
Hola Amigos!! オチョです!!
We’ll Just Have to Acclimatize Ourselves to the Post-Nuclear Area – Seven Minutes of Nausea
AxCxと並んでGrind Coreを代表するアーティストとして、今もカルト的な人気を誇る、オーストリア出身のMick Hollowsによるプロジェクト、ドイツの 7 Minutes of Nauseaが、そのAxCxとともに1989年にリリースしたSplitアルバム。
例によって数秒の曲の連続、所謂Shortcut Grind Coreというスタイルで数百曲の録音ということになっているが、スタンスとしてはポリティカルな内容を前面に押し出した、攻撃的なサウンド作りになっている。

34. Huck-Elvis-Christ
35. Self-Revenge
36. Ruthless Stripes
37. Stink
38. CFC
39. Terror-Bapt-Ize
40. Clean Hands
41. Tora Tora Darwin
42. Coca Enola
43. Scene 10
44. Blood Wrist
45. Core Erosion
46. Dumping
47. Ruperts Triangle
48. No Deputy
49. Quote-Albania to Slobo
50. Kick That Thrash Man
51. Bummer
52. Low Rider
53. Preservastroika
54. Same Rules : New Face
55. Damaged Grinded
56. Righteous Boldly Dumb
57. Oxygen Bar
58. Suicidal Illusion
59. Half-Caste
60. Ring of Debt
61. Blood in Mud Water
62. Irish Ovens
63. Rotten Decay
64. Gun Brunch
65. Industrial Manslaughter
66. Halfway
67. Multi-Postcode Concertation
68. Comsymp
69. Arrogant
70. Knnee Jerk
71. Brunt of Austerity
72. Debt Servicing
73. Brush Your Head
74. Rubble of There Homes
75. Death Before Inconveniance
76. Problems Bequeathed
77. Bateyes
78. Monolith-Zambia
79. Chemical Weapons
80. Black Skate Shorts
81. Quadrennial Mind
82. Yacht People
83. Oil for Rice
84. Shortfall
85. Bag Pack
86. Wasp Nest
87. Forca Dio
88. El Democratic
89. Stoner
90. Hoyts Thugs
91. Grate Ladies
92. Conservative All the Time
93. Develloping World
94. Mental Block
95. Na Aust : Dump
96. Russia Xerox
97. Sajudis
98. Bad Focus
99. Sexisthype
100. Thrash It Round
101. Asf Pigs
102. Sanr Beginning
103. Moshmacht
104. Collaps-Convult
105. No Roof, No Space
106. Slump Feeling
107. Quota Deal
108. Destable
109. Scud
110. Mud Slide
111. Iihae
112. Inertia
113. Code Word – Nostalgic
114. In the Name
115. Hostile Bid
116. Migrand Labour
117. Atic 04 Code
118. Without a Voice
119. Drone U.S.A.
120. Toxic Smoke Cloud
121. One Party Veto
122. Hellth
123. Eating Cancer
124. Picket Line
125. Nature Smugglins
126. White Mug
127. Queensland Corrupt
128. Pure Economics
129. Hold your Own
130. Gore
131. Rule of 12
132. Dirt Very Deep
133. Unflexible
134. Influence
135. Cut of Straight
136. No Decided
137. Cicciolina
138. Therefore What
139. Soliciting
140. Integrate
141. Slash Abortion
142. Lead Rage
143. Body in the Yarra
144. Tube Feed
145. Pride and Resentment
146. Tin Dinner Bowls
147. Stubbie Monitor
148. Saturation
149. Razor Artery
150. Fistfull of Maybes
151. Vast Abuse
152. Renewall Unbalance
153. Yes Manship
154. Banana Killings
155. Gatt Wreck
156. Drink to Drunken
157. Green Hammer
158. Oakleich Junction
159. State Board
160. Numb to the Core
161. Impenetrable Jargon
162. Seven Minute Low
163. Devrimci Yol
164. Federal Death Note
165. Zina Ordinance
166. Nihilism Attack
167. Society Code
168. Punched Sick
169. Safe But Dead
170. Slip Slop Slap
171. Forced into No choice
172. Shaking Nervous
173. Minimal Damage Limitation
174. Truth Is Speed
175. Crawl
176. Truth Is Speed
177. Crawl
178. Bankrupt the Sick
179. No Depth
180. Hoddle – Knight
181. Exit Essential
182. Two faced
183. Anti-Surge Clauss
184. Salvadorean Army INC.
185. Grim Diversity
186. Drugged by Proxy
187. Together
188. Exploited Potential
189. Duped
190. Catch 1992
191. Sex Tourist
192. Octobash North
193. Thessalonika
194. Alienation Route
195. Stupid Restrictive
196. Mass Death Row
197. Sheep Carcass
198. Sometimes
199. Faceless Haze
200. Prospects
201. Charges Laid
202. Disordered
203. Half Swamp
204. Fragile Stick
205. Pathetic Attempt
206. Tie or Chain
207. Into the Endless
208. $ 3.50 Short
209. Fuck Heil Hawke
210. One Way Nowhere
211. What Takes Priority
212. Conviction
213. Burnt Stuck on Paper
214. Final Shit
215. Butcher Ash
216. South Graveyard
217. To Live
218. The Big Zero
219. Too Bad
220. P.S – Who Knows
221. Alcohol Wound
222. Sad Fact
223. South of the Border
224. Debt in the Cuboard
225. Trust Seed
226. Used Up
227. Level of Fear
228. Black Pit
229. Not Bothered ???
230. Darkness on My Back
231. Carnage
232. Waldo
233. Process Worker
234. Moral Hemorrhage
235. Money Rules Shit
236. Simulated
237. Fade Away
238. Fuck for Drugs
239. Black Peeling Wall
240. Na Fault Line




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Hola Amigos!! オチョです。ガスの兄貴ではございません。 (歳がバレますな…) 幅広いジャンルの音楽を、浅く偏った知識と個人的な主観でレビューします。


Posted by オチョ